Our clients think big
They are people and organizations with ambitious missions. They want to unleash the power of software for their cause or business. We help them envisage, design and deliver. Here are some recent examples.
Orders can be entered and processed real time across multiple offices and the application provides a wealth of business information, like order details, technical information and invoicing status and details.
They developed our CRM which has enhanced our customer satisfaction to a considerable extent. Our daily vehicle service in take has increased from 300 to 385 vehicles/ Month after usage. The ease of use is highly appreciable. We wish them all success.
Arun, Suzuki Tamil Nadu.

Edusparrow is multipurpose school management software which is used by many educational institutions worldwide for all administration, management and learning related activities.
The Native Sparrow Software Solutions have given us the SMS software, which is highly useful to us to send message to all our parents about the programmes. Change of schedules, Marks of their wards, Some intimations etc. through this software, they have lessened the distance between the parents and the school. I wish them all success at all times.
J.R.Justin ilango, Principal

Health Care
Our programmers can deliver you sophisticated, customized world-class solutions that will be the envy of other healthcare providers.
The Native Sparrow has a dedicated team of information technology specialists who are healthcare experts. These experts design, deploy and deliver simple to sophisticated information systems solutions.

Native Sparrow provides you with highly flexible Internet solutions: On the basis of ready-made Web Applications you can construct your solutions as you desire and incorporate your own ideas. A complete ERP system with database, full function range and powerful interfaces is available in the background to realize the application logic.
We work closely with our delivery centre in Native Sparrow India to produce software with a great user experience through continual collaboration and timely feedback.